Sunday, December 2, 2012

PM Odinga dismisses endorsing aspirants

An aerial view of ODM supporters at Tononoka grounds, Mombasa on December 2, 2012. Photo/GIDEON MAUNDU
An aerial view of ODM supporters at Tononoka grounds, Mombasa on December 2, 2012. Photo/GIDEON MAUNDU  NATION MEDIA GROUP
Posted  Sunday, December 2  2012 at  14:14
  • PM Odinga says aspirants would be subjected to equal opportunities during the ODM nominations
  • He also called on losers not to desert the but instead support the party for the March 4 General Election

Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Sunday dismissed calls by a section of ODM supporters to endorse nominees for elective posts saying aspirants were equal irrespective of their ranks in the party.
Supporters allied to Changamwe and Kisauni MPs Ramadhan Seif Kajembe and Hassan Joho have called for their endorsement for Senator and Governor posts respectively in Mombasa County.
PM Odinga said aspirants would be subjected to equal opportunities during the ODM nominations.
Hiyo lugha sitaki kusikia hapa." (I don’t want to hear that talk here) Joho (Hassan) will only be given the governorship ticket if he wins the nominations,” he said.
He also called on losers not to desert the but instead support the party for the March 4 General Election.
He asked aspirants seeking the party ticket to give members a chance to elect leaders instead of coercing for direct nomination.
When PM Odinga arrived at 11.30am to officially open the ODM office in Buxton area, supporters shouted names of their preferred leaders when the entourage was given a tour of the building.
ODM National Chairman Henry Kosgei who arrived late for the function had a hectic time getting through the heavily guarded building as his security detail jostled to get him into the venue.
Former KNCHR Commissioner Hassan Omar who is facing vice-chairman Kajembe for senator seat was 'roughed up’ by the ad hoc security manning the gate.
Presidential campaign
Meanwhile, PM Odinga will on Saturday launch his presidential campaign at Nairobi’s Uhuru Park.
The event will come a day after the party’s delegates conference at Kasarani Sports Centre where he is expected to be endorsed the presidential nominee.
Members of Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper Democratic party are also set to hold a delegates conference in Nairobi on Saturday.
The party will be holding its National Governing Council meeting in Nairobi on Monday as Mr Musyoka is rushing against time to build a coalition for the next election.
Top officials of The National Alliance (TNA) and William Ruto’s United Republican Party (URP) will also meet in Nairobi on Monday to ratify a coalition agreement before it is deposited with the Registrar of Political Parties on Tuesday.
ODM Chairman Henry Kosgey on Sunday said Mr Odinga will use the occasion to explain his agenda to the county and launch the party’s development programmes.
“We are going to tell the country that Mr Odinga is the most qualified presidential candidate to implement the Constitution and expand infrastructure, education and healthcare for all Kenyans,” said Mr Kosgey.
He said Mr Odinga will emphasise national unity, reforms, implementation of the Constitution and creation of jobs.
Mr Odinga has invited allies including South Africa’s African National Congress, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), Uganda’s National Resistance Movement (NRM) and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).
It is planned that the ODM delegates will stay in Nairobi after the Kasarani meeting for the Saturday launch.
“It will be an opportunity for the presidential candidate to explain himself to ordinary Kenyans and ask them to campaign for him across the country,” said Mr Wambugu Ngunjiri, the Director of Political Affairs at the Odinga campaign team.
Mr Odinga is on Monday expected to address a meeting in Narok before proceeding to Bungoma later in the week to build momentum for the launch.

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