Sunday, December 2, 2012


Sunday December 2, 2012 - Former President Daniel Arap Moi is supporting the alliance between Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Eldoret North MP William Ruto, the DAILY POST can now reveal.

According to a credible source, close to the former president, Moi has been operating like a submarine in the Rift Valley region rallying the Kalenjin community to endorse a Uhuru-Ruto deal.

Although he is not there as a person, Moi is using his wide network to campaign for the alliance between two of his political students.

Moi introduced both Uhuru and Ruto  into Kenya politics in 199os  and is  now a happy man since his dream of endorsing  Uhuru Kenyatta for presidency in 2002- when Uhuru lost to President Kibaki-  is a few miles away from becoming a reality.

The source said, Moi is even using his resources to finance URP-TNA activities in Baringo and Nandi counties.

In the famous Kalenjin declaration which was made yesterday at Kapakatet grounds in Kericho County, Moi’s secret hands were seen as the Kalenjin elders who attended the rally were former president’s foot soldiers.

Moi, who is known for his political brilliance was once quoted saying that the leader who can be able unite the country, is Uhuru Kenyatta!

Let’s wait and see…


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