Monday, March 26, 2012

Man divorces ‘illiterate’ wife and marries barmaid


A primary school teacher in Kirinyaga West District who sent his wife packing because she was not well educated has ended up marrying a class five school dropout and a mother of three.
Less than a year after marrying his first wife, the man started mistreating her, saying she had forced herself on him while he would have preferred a wife in gainful employment.
She refused to go saying after fourth form, her parents had wanted to take her for a secretarial course, but the teacher convinced her not to so that he could marry her.
"Didn’t you tell me you were already earning and would take care of me and our children?" she had reminded him.
The truth, however, was that the teacher had met and fallen in love with a beautiful teacher from another school whom he wanted to marry but found it hard while he still had a wife.
One night, he taunted her that she was not beautiful and her education did not meet his standards so she was just wasting her time with him.
When she argued back, he beat her up. The next morning, she packed her clothes, took their two-year-old child and left.
Unfortunately, his new found catch refused to get married to him, afraid she would be labeled a home breaker.
This hurt the teacher so much that he went to the bar. One drink led to another and before he knew it, he was drunk.
When he was leaving for the night he asked the bar maid to accompany him. But she declined because there was an older but wealthier man in the pub who wanted to go home with her.
Angered by the putdown, he promised he would even marry her if she just went to his house. The sly woman insisted that they go to her house to pick her clothes and children and the teacher, in his drunkenness agreed.
The next morning, the teacher could not believe his eyes when he woke up next to a strange woman and heard three children playing happily in his house.
He tried to force her out but she refused adamantly. When he realised he was getting late for the school, he left her.
She has remained put and during the day, she chews miraa and goes to the nearby pub to drink keg beer, making the teacher a laughing stock in the village.

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