Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jirongo ask Kenyans not to elect a President from Eastern Kenya

– SEPTEMBER 11, 2011

Cyrus Jirongo on campaign trail
Lugari MP  Cyrus Jirongo on Saturday took his presidential campaign to Nyamira County where he pleaded with members of the Abagusii community to support his presidential bid.
Jirongo at the same time asked Kenyans not to support a presidential candidate from the Eastern region saying that for a long time leaders from the area have been dominating in the presidential leadership position and therefore it was high time they left the position to the Western region for political equilibrium   balance.
He said that this time round, the seat should go to the Western region where he said  he was the most qualified and   suitable presidential candidate
“ This time round  support a youthful leader  for the seat of presidency if you expected the country to prosper both economically, socially andpolitically,”Nyakundi said.
He asked the youths to be wary of leaders who were claiming that they were youths and yet they were above the age of the youths as stipulated in the new constitution.
The legislator also cautioned Kenyans against electing a leader who is not development conscious.
“Be wary of leaders who are only good at rhetoric’s but not development conscious. They are only known for speeches but not development ,” Jirongo remarked.
 Jirongo also asked the government to lower taxation rates and find other alternative sources of income to shield Kenyans from financial cripleness.
He  said taxation alone cannot sustain the country’s development and rooted for establishment of factories to absorb jobless youths.
Speaking in Nyamira County during a fundraiser  in aid of  Brown SDA Church, Jirongo criticized the Kazi Kwa Vijana program, saying the Sh 15 billion allocated into it  was not  enough to start mini-factories at the constituency level to create lasting jobs for the youths.
The Kaddu leader said the country should provide sustainable employment to the youth who would otherwise turn out to be a threat to security due to their idleness.
He was accompanied by Nairobi based lawyer, Kennedy Mon’gare Okong’o, PDP leader, Stephen Nyarangi , Kisii Youth leader Don Bosco Gichana and Kaddu director of elections Mr. Justus Rusugu Ooga.
Ooga who was the convener of the harambee asked members of the Abagusii not to support old guards for the seat of presidency saying that those who are already in position and are  seeking the top seat have failed to deliver.
He assured the members of the Abagusii community that if they supported Jirongo for the top seat, they stand to benefit greatly.

On his part, Gichana said bad leaders are elected by good citizens who don’t vote and urged all eligible Kenyans to vote next year.
Nyarangi rooted for unity in the country, adding that the G7 to which Jirongo belongs will form the next  government.
Okong’o who has  expressed intent to run for Nyamira County senatorial seat also supported Jirongo’s quest for top office next year.
During the a harambee a total of Sh 1.3 million was raised with Jirongo’s contribution of Sh 500,000,Bosco Sh 100,000 ,Okongo Sh 30,000 while Ooga gave Sh 10,000.

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