Sunday, September 11, 2011

I tried my best to accommodate all, Raila tells Maasai


Prime Minister Raila Odinga has defended his ODM party from accusations it had sidelined the Maasai community.
Recounting the dark days of violence, which rocked the country following the disputed presidentialelection, Raila said it was difficult for the party to equally share the positions since compromises had to be made.
He said he had to sacrifice the presidential seat, which every Kenyan knows he had won for the sake of millions of Kenyans who wanted peace.
Addressing a series of rallies in Kilgoris constituency on Saturday, Raila said if he was a power hungry person and decided to cling to power, Kenya would have burnt more.
"After I saw the way Kenyans turned against each other, I decided to go for talks to end the stalemate, which would have consumed Kenya," said Raila.
The PM was responding to some local leaders who had accused ODM of giving them a raw deal in the formation of the Coalition Government.
"It was my wish that you even get three ministerial positions under ODM, but you must remember the arrangement we entered with our PNU counterparts. For instance, when we got the Heritage ministry portfolio, George Saitoti, who is also your son, went with the Security docket," said Raila.
He likened the Coalition Government to two people sleeping under one bed sharing one small sized blanket.
"Serikali ya mseto ni kama kulala kwa kitanda kimoja tena ndani ya blanketi fupi. Mwingine akivuta upande huu, mwingine anavuta upande ule mwingine. Baadaye, wote watasalia uchi upande upande bila kujifunika (A coalition government is like sleeping in one bed with a small blanket. When one pulls this way, the other pulls that way. At the end you are all left uncovered)," said Raila amid cheers.
He challenged his competitors for a political battle and said ODM was still the party to beat in the next General Election.
He lashed out at those who opposed the adoption of the new Constitution saying they have paraded themselves to frustrate its implementation.
"The false prophets who went round preaching falsehood about the Constitution have changed and are now claiming the document is good. Can we ask ourselves, what has far changed?" he posed.
Lands Minister James Orengo said it was time President Kibaki declares Raila as his successor as a way of appreciation to the premier’s ‘Kibaki Tosha!’ declaration in 2002.
Orengo praised former President Moi for his recent meeting with Raila, where they shared the same table.
"The step Moi took to share a table and eat with his long time nemesis was wise and a show of reconciliation and that is the direction Kenya.

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