Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Cutting Edge

Posted  Saturday, September 10  2011 at  16:25
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TEACHERS BEHAVING BADLY: Though he fully appreciates the teachers’ right to strike and press for their genuine demands, Ken Ruhiu says this should be done in a dignified manner. He has been particularly appalled to watch TV new footage of protesting teachers jumping up and down, rolling on the ground and generally behaving badly. “We don’t want the respect and dignity of teachers eroded. After all, they will have to go back to class and face the pupils now watching them as they misbehave,” Ken concludes.
UNBEARABLE NOISE IN VILLA: Residents of Villa Franca estate, off Mombasa Road, are a very frustrated lot, says Nema Kuhia, accusing the owners of two bars of shattering their quiet since three months ago. Ironically, she adds, one of the offending joints is operated by a local leader, who should care about the residents’ welfare. The bars play loud music the whole week, but it gets worse on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. “The noise is unbearable and residents, especially children, are having sleepless nights.” Her complaints to Nema, Nacada and the local administration have yielded nothing.
SNUBBED BY SUPERMARKETS: Why have the big supermarket chains - Nakumatt, Tuskys and Naivas - shunned Zimmerman, one of the fastest growing lower middle class residential areas in Nairobi? asks Z. Maina. Maina says he feels jealous when he visits Ongata Rongai, Kasarani and Buru Buru, which all have huge outlets belonging to one or two of these popular supermarkets. “Why can’t they put up something in Zimmerman?” So keen to have any of them in his neighbourhood, Maina says any location on Kamiti Road would be fine, and he would only be too glad to help them find the land. His contact is Tel 0723032259 or
TRAVELLING NIGHTMARE: Travelling from Garissa to Nairobi by bus has become a terrible nightmare, not necessarily because of the endemic insecurity, but overloading, which the police officers at the many roadblocks along the highway do not seem to care about, moans Ibrahimu Farah. The officers, he adds, are either not interested in doing their job or are profiting from the discomfort and grave risk travellers are exposed to. “Passengers get packed in those vehicles like sacks of potatoes. Can the top traffic police bosses, please, intervene before disaster strikes,” urges Ibrahimu.
STADIUM OF SHAME: The National Stadia Management Board should be ashamed about the disgusting condition of the area around the Nyayo National Stadium in Nairobi, says George Mungai. George, who drives past the stadium daily, says he is assailed by the constant sight of overgrown grass, pieces of paper strewn everywhere and scattered garbage. And the best confirmation of the filth is the brood of the scavenging Marabou Storks that have literally taken over the area. “It is a big shame that a country that produces such gallant sporting talent cannot properly look after such a vital sports facility!” His contact is
M-PESA IDEA FOR EABL: A connoisseur of the products of East African Breweries Limited, Moses, says he can’t believe that the beer manufacturer has never figured out a way to also reap dividends from the M-Pesa craze, with people from all walks of life increasingly making use of the popular money transfer service. The beer firm, he adds, could, for instance, work with Safaricom on a special package that would enable consumers to get credit through their M-Pesa accounts for “at least three beers each on Sundays and Mondays”. For details, his contact is
WEIGHT AND TIME ZONES: Since he arrived in Liberia two months ago, Dr Godwil Munyekenye says his mind has been preoccupied with the question of time zones and weight. The issue he has been grappling with is whether when one travels from one time zone to another, one loses or gains weight or becomes younger or older. He hopes that those who have some knowledge or expertise in this area will shed some light on this issue to put his mind at ease. He can be reached through
Have a changeable day, won’t you!
Email: or mail: The Watchman PO BOX 49010, GPO 00100, Nairobi. Fax 2213946.

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