Mudavadi said he has the ambition to contest the presidency but this, he said, would depend on the decision of ODM party members.“To contest the presidency I must go through ODM nominations for the ticket,” he said.
There has been speculation that Mudavadi may be given the ODM presidential ticket if Prime Minister Raila Odinga decides not to contest. He said the Orange Democratic Movement Party has democratic rules and regulations governing the selection of presidential candidates which he said must be respected.“In our party we have a constitution and mechanisms to select our presidential candidate. I have an ambition like any other politician but we must respect rules. Sio lazima mtu wa kabila fulani asimame (It is not a must that a person of a particular tribe must contest the presidecy),” he said.
Mudavadi also announced election for council mayors and chairmen will be conducted in July and August under the Cap 265 of the local authority Act and advised interested parties to prepare for the election.
He said it was not possible to amend Cap 265 to do away with elections. He urged that those interested to prepare for the election under the same Act.
Mudavadi said the taskforce on devolved government that will determine structures in counties will present its interim report next week.
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