Sunday, August 12, 2012

GACHOKA on RAILA’s connection to PEV

GACHOKA on RAILA’s connection to PEV

Sunday August 12,2012 -The International Criminal Court(ICC) have agreed to have a prelude interview with  Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s former  Chief of Protocol Tony Gachoka to present the evidence which he  alleges to have in connection with 2008 post election violence.

Gachoka ,who is a brilliant political analyst, claims he has “very damaging information” about Raila Odinga’s actions during the 2008 post election violence which killed 1133 people and left over half a million displaced.

He also claims to have a proof the PM struck a deal with unnamed local and international powerbrokers in exchange for immunity from prosecution-US and Britain governments.

“The Prime Minister has not been forthcoming about what he knows and what he did during the turbulent days of 2007 and 2008.He brokered secret deals with US and Britain to have his name excluded in the report,” Gachoka said.

We established on Saturday that plans are under way for a secure interview between Gachoka and ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda.

This development comes a day after Gachoka complained of “too much silence” from the ICC prosecutor office.

Addressing journalists on Thursday, Gachoka accused Raila of conspiring with several people to have his name deleted from a list of alleged perpetrators of various PEV crimes.

Gachoka says questions were raised during closed sessions of the Waki Commission of inquiry into Post- Election Violence over the existence of more than one report from the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR).

He says ODM had a hand in the changes made to the final report and point at Hassan Omar, then a KNCHR official, as the man behind the changes.

Omar Hassan, who is aspiring to run for a senate seat in Mombasa County, is an ODM member and an official of the Friends of Raila lobby group.

Gachoka will draw the investigators’ attention to alleged changes made to key report provided to the ICC to help with its investigations.

This is not the first time KNCHR has been accused of removing certain names and even entire paragraphs from its report on post-election crimes.

KNHCR chairperson Florence Jaoko explained that there were some omissions in the body of the report due to a rush to finish the job.


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