Friday, May 27, 2011

Corridors of Power

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Share/Save/Bookmark Some senior police officers at Vigilance house want police spokesman Eric Kiraithe moved from his current position allegedly because they claim he is no longer doing his job properly. The complaints are allegedly stemming from senior officers dealing with specific responsibilities increasingly coming under scrutiny from journalists who are demanding answers!
Our MPs — more known for mouthing off on each and every aspect of anything that captures their attention— presented a different face when 20 of them formed themselves into a choir and presented several hymns during the National Prayer Breakfast held at the Safari Park. The choirmaster was Mathioya MP Clement Wambugu who successfully marshalled the Waheshimiwas into singing —in tune— a hymn 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus' which reduced President Kibaki, his Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and Prime Minister Raila Odinga into paroxysms of laughter after the hymn ended.
Bodyguards and aides assigned to an ODM minister from Nyanza seem not to have got into the flow of their charge's behaviour. The minister prefers to use aides from his community when he is in the city and opts to take others when he travels upcountry.
An MP from Western nearly came to blows with a female diplomat at a Kakamega hotel last week. The two had joined another group for an evening of chitchat after a day of campaigning for ODM candidate Benard Shinali. The loud altercation during which the MP and the diplomat exchanged revelatory words about each other's love affairs was saved from becoming a full blown fight when an ODM official intervened.

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