Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Showdown looms in House over judicial jobs

By Martin Mutua
A major showdown looms over the discontent between President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga over the new judicial nominations when Parliament reconvenes today.
The House had convened earlier than usual in order to deliberate on two critical Bills that were meant to overhaul the operations of the Judiciary, but the process was put on hold and Parliament adjourned for a two-week break barely 24 hours after it had been reconvened. Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Mutula Kilonzo was forced to withdraw the Bills after it was argued that the Commission on Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) should be involved in drafting the laws.
And on Monday Mutula republished the Bills namely the Vetting of Judges and Magistrates Bill 2011 and the Judicial Service Bill 2011, and expressed hope that they will sail through the House without any hitch.
"I thank the CIC for facilitating republishing of the Bills and for taking both the Attorney General and myself through fruitful intervention," he said.
Renewal of judiciary
He appealed to Parliament to pass the Bills saying they have been in the public domain since last August 30 and there has not been any objection.
"The sooner they are passed the faster would be for the renewal of the Judiciary as well as the vetting of judges and magistrates," he added.
Whereas the Bills have not been listed for first reading, Mutula said he would be seeking the intervention of National Assembly Speaker Kenneth Marende and the House Business Committee to have them brought to the House immediately.
On the judicial jobs, the President on Friday nominated Justice Alnashir Visram as the next Chief Justice to succeed the incumbent Evan Gicheru whose terms expires at the end of this month, and Prof Githu Muigai as the Attorney General to succeed Amos Wako whose term expires in August.
Others are lawyer Kioko Kilukumi to the position of Director of Public Prosecutions and Agricultural Development Corporation Managing Director William Kirwa to the new position of Controller of Budget.
The nominations, which were immediately dismissed as null and void by Raila, will be another acid test for the Grand Coalition Government that is heading for its last leg before the country goes to the polls next year.

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