Posted Thursday, February 24 2011 at 21:42
ODM has stepped up calls to have a “panel” and not the Public Service Commission pick the next Controller of Budget and Director of Public Prosecutions.
Led by assistant minister Josphat Nanok and deputy party whip Benjamin Washiali (Mumias), 12 MPs echoed the remarks of their party leader, Prime Minister Raila Odinga, that the PSC should only play a “secretariat” role.
“The interviews should be conducted by a competent panel of renowned experts in the concerned fields,” the MPs said at a news conference at Parliament Buildings on Thursday.
Accused of lying
They accused their PNU colleagues of “lying” by saying that the “PSC was competent enough to pick the membership of the Commission on the Implementation of the Constitution”.
“The fact is that members of the CIC were picked by a panel, not the PSC. The PSC did get involved because its chairman, Mr Titus Gateere, was the secretary of the panel,” said Mr Nanok.
The panel that eventually vetted the CIC had officers from the Cabinet Office, the chair of the Kenya Law Reform Commission, the Ministry of Justice, the State Law Office and the Office of the Prime Minister.
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