Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Karua, Muite, LSK, Cotu, EALS back JSC stand on appointees

By Beauttah Omanga
Gichugu MP Martha Karua has echoed the position taken by the Judicial Service Commission to reject nominees to key positions even as she cautioned the two principals against being carried by demands of their respective parties.
Law Society of Kenya, through Secretary Apollo Mboya, distanced itself from the initial position taken by their chairman. Mboya said the LSK council has already received complaints against nominated Chief Justice Alnashir Visram, making him unqualified to serve as a CJ.
"We have received public complaints against Justice Visram and we were waiting for the vetting of judges to start to expose what we have," said Mboya.
Cotu Secretary General Francis Atwoli and the Deputy President of the East Africa Law Society (EALS) James Mwamu all agreed with the JSC position, and urged the President act accordingly.
Senior Counsel Paul Muite said the statement by the topmost officials of the Judiciary and the Legal Government adviser amounted to an indictment of the President and he has to agree with them.

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