Sunday, August 22, 2010

800 staff involved in promulgation preparations

Written by judith wambare

Preparations for the implementation of the new Constitution has began on a high note, with several workshops being held for the staff of the National Assembly, who will be the engine behind the implementation process of the new Constitution. The 800 members of staff will be rigorously involved during the period following the promulgation of the new Constitution, in a setting never experienced before in the country.

Among the issues they are to be trained on during the two-day workshop are the challenges and the areas they need to focus on during the implementation process of the proposed law.

1 comment:

  1. mwalukuku ayub salimAugust 24, 2010 at 8:58 AM

    This is a very important day for our country. It may be a good idea to have the US president who is one of our own witness it as a guest. it will be well timed also for the security which we need so much at this time when we have Al shaabab, and also others who may envy the great achievement that we have realized!
