Thursday, April 22, 2010


Former Energy assistant minister Charles Keter has blamed his removal from the cabinet on politics saying it has nothing to do with his performance.

Addressing the press in his former office Thursday the Belgut MP pointed an accusing finger at Prime Minister Raila Odinga saying his refusal to toe his line might have prompted his dismissal.

He denied claims that he was sacked due to his perceived loyalty to higher education minister William Ruto saying he has never been any one's sycophant.

Keter however, said he has not received any formal communication on his sacking.

Of the seven ministers and assistant ministers affected in the mini reshuffle, it was only Mr Keter who was fired as the others were either moved from one ministry to another or appointed to fill vacant positions

Former Agriculture minister William Ruto swapped places with his Higher Education counterpart Dr Sally Kosgei while Trade minister Amos Kimunya was named to act as Transport Minister in the absence of Chirau Ali Mwakwere who is awaiting a by-election.

North Mugirango MP Wilfred Ombui was appointed the new National Heritage assistant minister, a position that had been left vacant after it's previous occupant, Joel Onyancha failed to recapture his Bomachoge seat in a by-election.

Kaloleni MP Kazungu Kambi was likewise named Medical Services assistant minister to replace Garsen MP Danson Mungatana who resigned last year.

A statement from State House Nairobi said the President made the decision following consultations with Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

Keter is one of the Rift Valley MPs who have broken ranks with the Prime Minister on issues such as the Mau evictions, the International Criminal Court (ICC) trials for those who bear the biggest responsibility for the post election violence and, lately, his stand on the draft constitution.

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