Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Agriculture Minister William Ruto is appealing to Kenyans to register as voters to enable them vote during the referendum and the next general election.

The minister said voting was the only way they could exercise their democratic and constitutional right to determine the country's destiny.

The Minister appealed to those who had boycotted registering as voters on ground of the orgy of violence that rocked the country following 2007 disputed presidential results to reconsider their stand.

The minister said, "The country's woes cannot be solved by boycotting elections. Let us not correct a mistake by creating another one. Correct the anomaly through your vote so that we can have reliable leaders."

Speaking at Kosachei Primary School in his Eldoret North constituency, the minister said for any country to develop and uphold tenable democratic principles, its population must be willing to decide what was good for their country by electing leaders whose record remained unrivalled.

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