Tuesday, April 6, 2010


A statement released on Monday by retired president's director of Communication Lee Njiru, Moi said: "The document is purely academic and does not capture the mood and aspirations of majority of Kenyans."

He said it contained sections that promote debauchery and foreign values that were revolting and loathsome to cultures cherished by Africans.

"It appears as if the country was being treated like a testing ground for foreign ideas, some of which are weird," he observed.

He also criticised plans to divide Rift Valley Province into smaller administrative units.

"Since the province is inhabited by people from almost all communities, it ought to remain as a model of racial and ethnic harmony," he said. "Land and ethnic factors are emotive and need to be handled with utmost care, I don’t wish to be judged harshly by history for being party to such a document."

Moi said the document was drafted without adequate consultation, thus going against the wishes of the majority. He called on all Kenyans who value their morality and those who cherish peace and harmony to reject the Proposed Constitution with the contempt it deserves.

1 comment:

  1. Retired president Daniel arap Moi has opposed the draft constitution passed by Parliament last week.

    In a statement issued in Nairobi on Monday, Mr Moi said the document ignored vital issues such as ethnic and land factors and their explosive potential.

    He says the draft is “academic” and did not capture the mood and aspirations of majority of Kenyan people.

    Noting that land and ethnic factors were emotive and needed to be handled with utmost care, Mr Moi said he did not wish to be judged harshly by history for being party to such a document.

    “It appears as if the country is being treated like a testing ground for foreign ideas, some of which are weird,” he said without elaborating.
