Saturday, September 21, 2013

Oduol names new mate in Siaya race

Friday, September 20, 2013 - 00:00 -- By Ricky Otieno
National Agenda Party of Kenya(NAPK)William Oduol(L)with his running mate Steve Scot(R)wile presenting their papers yesterday at IEBC offices Siaya.Oduol chose a new candidate. Photo/RICKY OTIENO
National Agenda Party of Kenya(NAPK)William Oduol(L)with his running mate Steve Scot(R)wile presenting their papers yesterday at IEBC offices Siaya.Oduol chose a new candidate. Photo/RICKY OTIENO
William Oduol, a candidate vying for the governor seat in  Siaya by-election, has unveiled a new running mate.
Oduol who will stand on National Agenda Party of Kenya ticket has named Steve Scot who unsuccessfully contested for Bondo parliamentary seat.
Scot lost to Gideon Ochanda, who is the Bondo MP.
Oduol dropped his former running mate Nick Ogola in the March 4 general election.
Scot hails from Bondo while Ogola is from Rarieda.
Political pundits have said Oduol changed his mind in a bid to weaken the support enjoyed by Cornel Rasanga, his rival in Bondo.
Rasanga’s election as Siaya governor was nullified by the High Court in a poll petition.
The former Siaya governor  has more supporterd in Rarieda and Bondo constituencies as compared to Gem, Ugenya and Ugunja constituencies where Oduol has a larger following.
While presenting his nomination papers at the Siaya IEBC offices yesterday, Oduol defended his decision to drop Ogola in favour Scot saying he settled on Scot for political reasons.
He said if he emerges the winner, Ogola will be a part of his county administration.
“My government will be all-inclusive. I will work with my former running mate to transform our county,” Oduol said.
He called on his rivals to conduct a peaceful campaign devoid of propaganda and mudslinging as was the case in the March 4 polls.
“Am ready to conduct a peaceful campaign and my rivals should do the same for the sake of Siaya county,” Oduor said.
Exuding confidence, Oduol said he is not threatened by the ODM “brigade” scheduled to “pitch tent” in Siaya.
“Am sure that Cord will be in Siaya but am not scared. I will face them head on,” he said.
He was accompanied by former Alego-Usonga MP, Sammy Weya, Julius Okinda who has since backed down from the governor race and Neto Adhola who lost in Rarieda parlimentary seat among other leaders.
Yesterday, Rasanga was expected to present his papers to the IEBC.
Siaya county returning officer Jackline Osiemo urged the candidates to conduct their campaigns peacefully.
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