Saturday, September 21, 2013

Corridors of Power

Friday, September 20, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
Presidential head of communication Manoah Esipisu. photo Elkana Jacob
Presidential head of communication Manoah Esipisu. photo Elkana Jacob
Parliament building
Parliament building
Former Cherangany MP Joshua Kuttuny. PHOTO/NICHOLAS WAMALWA.
Former Cherangany MP Joshua Kuttuny. PHOTO/NICHOLAS WAMALWA.
The presence of rails separating Presidency Spokesman Manoa Esipisu from the journalists when presenting his briefing last week reminds us of the time when journalists were deliberately kept at a far distance from the occupants of State House when they deigned to call in the media that the journalists could not ask questions unless they shouted. It seems this tradition will take a long time to die as Esipisu has continued with the tradition and expects journalists to shout their questions at him if and when he does the briefing. Asked about the railings which seem to want to give the impressing of 'caging' the press, Esipisu was flippant saying the journalists were free to 'jump over the railings' if they wished. So if they can do this, why have the railings in the first place?
It seems that Tetu MP Ndung'u Gethenji is yet to understand the rules governing the proceedings in the National Assembly. When members were voting to suspend Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo for making inappropriate remarks in the House, the MP was busy trying to persuade the sergeant at arm orderlies to allow him get out of the debating chamber. The MP looked unsettled and after unsuccessfully trying to get out, he had no option but to retreat back to his seat.Standing Orders say that the doors to the chamber as closed when MPs are voting.
The relationship between the current crop of MPs and the parliamentary orderlies is frosty with the latter accusing the former of disrespecting them — especially those MPs who refuse to give them money. They cited a recent incident where the orderlies disrespectfully shouted at and mistreated Jakoyo Midiwo demanding that he surrender the keys to his official car after he was suspended by the Speaker.
Former Cherangany MP Joshua Kuttuny who is currently a political director in the office in the presidency seems to know how to play with power and influence. Those in the know say it was Kuttuny who whispered "some words" to Uhuru when he was at Ruiru stadium a week ago to issue a warning to the ICC that they will not cooperate if both he and Ruto are required to appear at the same time.
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