Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Martha Karua Comes To Shebesh Defence, And Denies She Once Slapped Raila

9 Sep 2013 
As the debate on who between Kidero and Shebesh was wrong heated up, former presidential candidate Martha Karua joined in.

Some people have been crying gender violence and feminism, while other saw it as a slap between two politicians.
Martha Karua is in the group that believes tough action should be taken on Kidero.
In a series of tweets and retweets, Karua made known her stand.

The Deputy CJ lost her job for less and there were no cameras. What should happen here?
@swambi: The Deputy CJ lost her job for less and there were no cameras. What should happen here?” + Sonko verbal insults...
I hope the same treatment that was used on Nancy Baraza, actually worse is used on Kidero
@daidey: I hope the same treatment that was used on Nancy Baraza, actually worse is used on Kidero” and Sonko!!!
To assault is criminal to lie afterwards is despicable !
In the middle of all that, someone reminded Karua of an alleged incident, where she's said to have assaulted Raila. She said those were falsehoods. 
@OduorOmollo: @MarthaKarua when karua martha slapped Rao in 2003 was it not assault.what action did raila take????” Falsehood
I must admit that the only incident Google returned concerning a slap between Raila and Karua is this joke. Perhaps @OduorOmollo got his memory mixed up.
Raila, Kibaki, Ngilu and Martha Karua are travelling in a train. The train suddenly goes thru a tunnel and it gets completely dark Suddenly there is a kissing sound and then a hard slap! The train comes out of the tunnel. Ngilu and Raila are sitting there looking perplexed. Kibaki is bent over holding his face, which is red from an apparent slap. All of them are diplomatic and nobody says anything.
Ngilu is thinking: "These men are all crazy about Martha Karua. Kibaki must have tried to kiss her in the tunnel. Very proper that she slapped him!" Martha is thinking: "Kibaki must have moved to kiss me, but kissed Ngilu instead and got slapped!" Kibaki is thinking: "Damn it, Raila must have tried to kiss Martha Karua, she thought it was me and slapped me!"Raila is thinking: "If this train goes through another tunnel, I wil make another kissing sound and slap Kibaki again! 

 - See more at: http://www.nairobiwire.com/2013/09/martha-karua-comes-to-shebesh-defence.html#sthash.tsF1O9AQ.dpuf

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