Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Corridors of Power

Monday, September 9, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
One of the governors from the north Rift took to his held when he was confronted by irate youth at a shopping centre in the county who wanted to beat him up for allegedly becoming a 'political sell-out.' The manhas lost his touch with the local people and is increasingly alienating other communities in the county by denying them jobs in his government. He recently stocked the community's anger when he asked its members to leave his county since they had no stake there. He also said he had no time for leaders from his political party which he has essentially dumped.
There is disquiet at the Ministry of Labour after some members of the board at National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) held a secret meeting with a group of suppliers to “agree” who should be appointed CEO of the authority ahead of the interviews slated for this month. Our mole tells us that the directors who attended last week were given some "motivation” to ensure a “business friendly” person is appointed.
A prominent politician in ODM is celebrating the birth of a baby boy with a relative of senior political figure in the Jubilee Alliance. The family, whose matriarch contested a top seat in Nairobi and lost in the March 4 elections, welcomed the news of the arrival of their newest member with measured excitement and optimism. The baby mama called the baby daddy to break the news and also reassure him that she has no intention of demanding any child support or maintenance as she comes from a well-to-do family. This is a relief to the baby daddy who is married and whose high society wedding a couple of years ago was attended by the who's who in the country's political elite.
An Jubilee MP from the Rift Valley is being targeted by some of the MPs from the alliance after he joined Cord MPs in walking out of Parliament to protest the motion seeking to have Kenya withdraw from the Rome Statute which establishes the ICC. The first term MP has been unable to explain to his party colleagues that he did not walk out in protest buy walked out to answer to an urgent call. The man has been unable to convince his colleagues and is now waiting with trepidation for disciplinary measures to be taken against him.
- See more at: http://www.the-star.co.ke/news/article-135239/corridors-power#sthash.xzxp9ELp.dpuf

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