Friday, August 3, 2012

Raila wastes a lot of money instead of building KIBERA

Raila wastes a lot of money instead of building KIBERA

Mr Reformer loves to waste tax payer money.

He goes to hotels such as Warldorf Estoria and spends 560,000 /= per night for the benefit of Kibera residents. 

When his ODM associates accompany him they shop for shirts that cost 32,000 /= and bill the tax payer.

The foreign trips became so frequent and unannounced that foreign countries started to complain. That though did not stop him. Don't you know he has to get as many photo opportunities as possible with Europeans?

Meanwhile flying toilets in his constituency are the norm. 

How many low cost toilets can 133,000,000 /= build?

I repeat that this man is not a reformer. Kibera poverty will spread countrywide if this man miraculously became President. 

All businessmen will abandon Kenya.

Those who have ears will heed my advice and reject his 'reformer' lies.  Raila is an old man and should retire with president Kibaki.

Noma (klist)

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