Sunday, August 12, 2012


« Reply #2 Todayat 6:03am »

Miguna Miguna

spoke at a very well attended event last night here in Toronto. There were over 100 people in attendance with quite a few Kenyanspresent. There was one Kenyan hecklerGordon Tetiwho had in the previous days promised on the KCOforum to be at the event to give Miguna a run for his money. Well, the rest of the audience gaveTeti a run for his money, forcing him to abort his planed disruption of the event and nudging him out the door! Before he was ejected, he promised us that Mr. Odinga was coming toTorontoshortly, where he would debunkMiguna'sclaims. I wondered who sent that man. Can't they find any smart people to send I asked myself. Tetiwould have been able to say pretty much whatever he wanted to if his demenor hadn't been so inappropriate even to those who knew nothing about the drama involvingRaila andMiguna.

Miguna gave an account of how he had joined government on the ODMpart of the coalition. He went on to explain that he'd tried to raise his concerns about corruption by top ranking people in thePrime Minister's office with the Prime Minister himself and how this culminated in his being suspended.

During Q&A time, people questioned him about having been part of the coalition government; only speaking out publicly about corruption after being suspended. He went on to explain that he'd tried to work from within, believing at the time that the Prime Ministerwouldn't stand for that sort of behavior.

Miguna was one of four speakers with the event generally covering the following issues:

a) The role and centraility of Pan-Africanism in the struggle for liberation;

b) The value, place and need of ideological clarity in the struggle for Pan-African liberation;

c) The role and place of the non-state actors on the agenda for change and transformation of Kenya and Africa;

d) Illustrations were derived from Kenya, Somalia, DRC and Sudan.

And contrary to Teti'sreport of the event, people did buyMiguna'sbook. The only stress the kids had was whenTeti himself started throwing his agression here and there yelling into the microphone and so on. That was very short lived @ an event that started at 7pm and wound up at 10pm and that may be short for Kenyan standards but not here!

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