Saturday, August 18, 2012

Is Tony Gachoka a political TOUT or a PROSTITUTE?

Is Tony Gachoka a political TOUT or a PROSTITUTE?

Wednesday August 14, 2012 - First and foremost, check how a tout behaves when he has seen anybody at a bus stop, he will definitely rush to the person and grab anything the person is carrying. One funny thing is that the tout is always ready to wrestle out anybody passing near thinking he will lose the passenger.

How does Gachoka behave like a prostitute?

After securing a “customer”, the prostitute will tend to be harsh to other “girls” who are in the same trade. After conning Charity Ngilu and achieving nothing from her, he ditched her. Then switched to Prime Minister Raila Odinga. In this case, desperate Gachoka did not make much from it. One question a sound minded Kenyan can ask is, how can Raila rely on a political novice to work on political strategy?

Was Gachoka superior than Musalia Mudavadi or Kenneth Marende? To shed more light, being a Chief of Protocol involves coordinating rallies only just like the ushers in churches who only oversee Sunday services and not the daily running of church matters.

Of late, remarks by Tony, are politically instigated. He is a project who wants to use Uhuru’s euphoria to achieve a political mileage in order to salvage his dwindled economic status.

Finally, Mr. Gachoka should understand that ODM is a party and not a person. The role played by ODM in PEV has not gone unpunished because William Ruto and Joshua Sang are facing trial in the ICC.

So do you think Gachoka is a political tout or a prostitute?

By a patriotic Kenyan

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