Saturday, August 18, 2012

12 Types of KENYANs on FACEBOOK

12 Types of KENYANs on FACEBOOK

1) The COMPLAINERS: the 1st people to update stima zikilost ati KPLC NKT!!

2) The BEGGARS: ati 'niko tao leo nani atanibuyia pizza??

3) The PREACHERS: These are mostly single men/ladies who act 'holy' & only update bible verses on Sunday.

4) The CONFUSED: Married today, Engaged tomorrow next day open r/ship.

5) The WEATHER FORECASTERS: Updates mostly when it rains..cold, its hot in Mombasa.

6) The TRAVELLERS: today-Nairobi here I come..tomorrow Naivasha here I day Mombasa here I kam...

7) The UNHEALTHY LOT: stomach ache, headache, backache nkt..NB FB is not a clinic!!

8) The GOOGLE MAPS: In Mombasa with my grandma shes funny, On thika rd gosh its dusty...

9) The LIARS (Major type): Lie about age, Marital status and use ridiculous names ati Rihana msupu EST...Fabregas mtu wa nguvu, Msupa Bootylicious etc etc..

10) WITCHES: they always like status abt death, sickness

11) The DRUNKARDS: These are the funny types, and they update their status mostly on Friday night

12) The BIRTHDAY HYENAS: They only login in to fb on their bdays only so as to c the wall posts they av gotten

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