Thursday, April 12, 2012

Corridors of Power

A top business executive's decision to keep news of his wife's death to only family and close friends has surprised many including the hundreds of people he employs in his business empire. They only got to know of their employer's loss a week after the funeral which was, according to our snitch, attended by extremely few people — only 50 and not even the folk in his village. A few months later, the man has lost two prime properties — one to the elements and the other to fire.
A Catholic priest is reported to have abandoned his church duties even leading the mass during the Easter weekend. The man has converted his house in Nairobi West to a venue for all manner of unpriestly behaviour which has led some of his flock to complain. But he was overheard boast that nothing would happen to him as he has the protection of the powers that be in the church.
Cabinet minister Amos Kimunya is reportedly being primed for possible entry into the race for the presidency. Some of his moneyed golfing buddies think Kimunya has an outside chance if Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto are knocked out of the race by the ICC cases and if PNU's Prof George Saitoti proves unmarketable as a presidential candidate.
Numerous MPs and aspirants for the various offices in the upcoming general election are having a hard time shutting up fake Facebook accounts that have been opened by people using their names. Their foes have latched onto the social media and are opening the Facebook and twitter accounts which they use to undermine the politicians by posting messages and updates that cast them in bad light.

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