Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Brother Kalonzo

UNDER SIEGE: VP Kalonzo Musyoka. Photo/Joseph Kariuki.
My Brother Kalonzo, are you for real? This G7 thing that you are (were) a part of; other than yourself, William Ruto and Uhuru Kenyatta, who are the other four who make it seven? We’d have to think and scratch our heads to come up with their names and therein lies my point. You went begging to be let back in why?
Kalonzo the planets lined up for you last week like they will never line up again. If ever there was a moment to stand tall (sic), declare yourself your own man and say “when they are ready to get on the winning side, they can call me” it was definitely last week. It doesn’t matter if you had made that statement while shaking in your boots, at least we and they would have paid attention. Lakini Kalonzo ni nani? You let the whole thing go into free fall and vindicated anyone who’s ever called you an opportunist. Why?
What have you got to lose? You have no baggage, you have never been mentioned in a corruption case, never been seen to have dipped your hand in the cookie jar, you don’t have relatives and friends who make news for being a pain, you don’t have a date with The Hague… dude this is politics, why are you dying to hook up with guys who’s collective baggage is more that the rest of us can ever hope to collect in ten lifetimes?
Niccolo Machiavelli is quoted as saying “It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both. It’s a rough statement but one that holds true for politics and leadership in whatever capacity. Your problem is, you want to be loved – that’s why you have Pauline – the rest of us can’t be trusted. Your stage was set for a true Machiavellian moment and you threw it away. I will choose to ignore reports that say you ran to “baba jimmi” first and wailed, then met the two guys who don’t want to play with you anymore for tea, then they got up and left town without you. Hello? Did you see Uhuru’s body language as the three of you emerged from The Norfolk – he really didn’t want to be around you.
Reporters are having a field day, Mutahi Ngunyi is sitting somewhere pointing at a TV screen and saying “flower girl”, and I dread to see what the cartoonists will do to you. I get it, those two guys have cash and election campaigns need cash, but they’re also looking for a partner who can deliver. The term “care-taker President” has been floated enough times for you to know what they are looking for. Now, if what they did last week was a test to see how formidable you can be, you failed. Why didn’t you call their bluff for heaven’s sake. Eugene Wamalwa to his credit, is on record saying he will not be used as a flower girl. Na wewe je?
I worry for your political future given last week’s developments. If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared. I have a feeling that unless you do something drastic in the next 24hours, you just might be dealt another blow.
Allow me to conjure up a picture of what may happen next. This is just a guess. That gathering of roasters will go looking for a female of note to join them – Charity Ngilu is in the wings. She’s a mighty fine looking lass at that and a tough cookie too – she’ll do nicely. I also noticed that she draws crowds. Now whether she’s willing to play the ICC card and shed tears for your pals given that the casualties of political upheaval are women and children, is what we all have to wait and see. Then there’s the Musalia factor to consider. He’s a “nice” guy, he could easily replace you and Eugene in one move and he’s making headlines for taking a stand. What if he does break away from ODM and run with Uhuru? Then what?
My brother Kalonzo, you blew it last week, but that said, you are Vice President of Kenya and to get that position you pulled a rabbit out of a hat. There are those who still can’t believe the stealth you used to pull that one off. I want to believe somewhere in all this drama, you have a surprise in store for everyone– maybe the meek will inherit the land after all.

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