Friday, April 1, 2011

ODM picks Ikolomani poll candidate

ODM secretary general Anyang Nyong'o and Ikolomani parliamentary aspirant Bernard Shinali (left) during a media briefing at the party headquarters on April 1,2011. HEZRON NJOROGE
ODM secretary general Anyang Nyong'o and Ikolomani parliamentary aspirant Bernard Shinali (left) during a media briefing at the party headquarters on April 1,2011. HEZRON NJOROGE
Posted  Friday, April 1 2011 at 15:24

The battle for the Ikolomani parliamentary seat is taking shape, after the Orange Democratic Movement endorsed Bernard Shinali as its candidate for the May 23 by-election.
The seat fell vacant after the High Court nullified the election of Dr Boni Khalwale (New Ford Kenya) two months ago, following a petition by Mr Shinali.
ODM secretary general, Prof Anyang’ Nyong’o, who handed out the party nomination certificate to the candidate, at the party’s headquarters in Nairobi Friday promised a tough battle for the seat, expressing confidence that the party will emerge victorious.
“He was endorsed by all delegates from Ikolomani. We are sure we have a candidate who will take the seat,” he said.
Lurambi MP Mr Manyala Keya said the decision to settle on Shinali was arrived after the absence of other contenders.
The soft spoken Shinali said he has what it takes to capture the seat.
“I am aware of the huge task before me, for I will contest against a veteran politician. But I’m up to the task. I will not be as vocal as the others, but I want to speak with actions,” he said.
The awarding of the certificate to Shinali has put to rest, speculations that the party would support Dr Khalwale.
Mr Shinali contested the seat in the 2007 polls on a Liberal Democratic Party ticket.
The ODM National Elections Board chairman Philip Okundi said electoral procedures were followed in the nominations saying Shinali emerged as the sole contender.
He said the party is working on nominations for the Kamukunji parliamentary seat and five civic wards which are scheduled to hold by-elections, also on May 23.
Political parties wishing to participate in the by-elections are expected to nominate their candidates by April 21, and candidates should present their certificates on April 27 and April 28.
Mr Okundi said his board is still working on the dates for ODM grass root elections scheduled for late next month.

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