Thursday, March 24, 2016

Joho date with Malindi police ‘cancelled over terror concerns’

There were indications that Joho planned to be in Malindi against the advice of the police/FILE
There were indications that Joho planned to be in Malindi against the advice of the police/FILE
NAIROBI, Kenya, Mar 24 – Police have advised Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho against going to record a statement in Malindi Thursday morning as earlier scheduled due to security concerns.
A statement from Police Headquarters indicated that Joho’s statement will be taken at a later date to avoid crowding a police station at a time of heightened security over terrorism threats.
The police warning was prompted by CORD’s announcement Wednesday that its leaders and supporters would company Joho to the station in a show of solidarity.
“Malindi Police have notified Governor Joho of Mombasa that owing to the current heightened state of alertness against terror attacks, the statement he had been asked to record will be taken at a later date and place to be advised,” it pointed out.
Police have also outlawed any form of impromptu gatherings anywhere for security reasons after Inspector General of Police issued a terror threat warning in the wake of the Brussels attacks.
“Police further wish to advise the general public that owing to the heightened state of alertness, unnecessary crowding around any police station or camp will not be permitted,” the statement warned.
“Equally, the police wish to advice against impromptu public gatherings that they have not been notified. Such gatherings will not be allowed at this point for security reasons.”
Joho and his Malindi counterpart Amason Kingi had claimed they had been summoned to record statements over the Malindi by-election violence.
Joho says they were contacted to report to Malindi police station and record statements including robbery with violence incidents that took place during the Malindi by election.
However, Joho said he would be available on Thursday since he had been attending to official duties.

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