Saturday, May 24, 2014

Seven TNA MPs support Waiguru

Friday, May 23, 2014 - 00:00 -- BY IBRAHIM ORUKO
Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru for Ministry of devolution and planning. Photo/Jack Owuor
Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru for Ministry of devolution and planning. Photo/Jack Owuor
Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru was late yesterday making significant political gains as plans by some MPs to impeach her appeared to be faltering. Four out of seven TNA MPs addressed a press conference at Parliament and advanced a strong case in her defence, claiming that she is a victim of political machinations by individuals whose main aim was financial extortion.
 MPs Kabando Kabando (Mukurweini), Jamleck Kamau (Kigumo) and Jude Jomo (Kiambu Town) said the plan to impeach the CS is anchored on misleading information, “hyped up by politicians pushing an ethnic bigotry agenda”.
 ]Jude, who is among those who have signed the impeachment petition, said he had joined the list based on misleading information and announced that he had recanted.
 However, his efforts are futile as Standing Order 66 (4) provides that members who append their signatures to support of such a motion cannot withdraw. The MPs sought to absolve Waiguru from blame in the transfer of Kiplimo Rugut from the National Youth Service to the Ministry of Sports, saying the gazette notice of his transfer was signed by the Chief of Staff in the Office of the President, Joseph Kinyua.
 They said Rugut was transferred through the Central Posting Unit, chaired by Kinyua in his other top role of Head of Public Service. The MPs showed journalists documents in a bid to absolve the CS of any wrongdoing in a number of appointments and other changes in her Ministry.
 They emphasised Rugut was not sacked but transferred to the senior position of Secretary of Sports. “This is actually a promotion, which means that Rugut is actually earning more,” said Kabando.
 The MPs produced a document, dated May 9, showing that, besides Rugut, 11 other senior government officials were transferred to different ministries on the same day.
 They told journalists that a majority of the over-100 MPs who have reportedly signed the impeachment petition did so out of ignorance of the available facts. “Waiguru is only a sacrificial lamb. From Kinyua’s letter, it is obvious that both the President and his Deputy were aware of these transfers. If anyone has issues with any of these transfers, the questions should be directed to the President and his Deputy. If anyone is to be impeached it should be the two,” Jamleck said.
 The notice of motion to impeach by Igembe South MP Mithika Linturi accuses Waiguru of gross misconduct and violation of the Constitution. She is accused of “abusing, intimidating and threatening” public servants under her jurisdiction, citing the removal from office of Rugut as NYS director-general and former Youth Enterprise Fund chairman Gor Semelang’o. Others at the press conference were Victor Munyaka (Machakos Town), Francis Munyua (Juja), Peter Weru (Mathira) and George Wanjohi (Mathare).
 Meanwhile, Kiambu Senator Kimani Wamatangi yesterday made a passionate appeal to Jubilee coalition MPs to find an amicable solution to the push to impeach Waiguru. He said the Jubilee family should resolve the matter internally, instead of washing the party's dirty linen in public.
 "We are saying that as the Jubilee family we should sort out our issues internally and amicably - we do not want to be seen like we are fighting amongst ourselves and the legislators have strong points which need to be addressed," Wamatangi said. Furious dissenting MPs feel the coalition has not handled public jobs fairly in line with the 50-50 power pact between URP and TNA.
 Wamatangi made his appeal in Kiambu, during the launch of an initiative to have bright students mentor slow learners to improve education standards in the county. About 103 Jubilee MPs are said to have signed the petition seeking to impeach.
 "I am not defending the Cabinet secretary, but I feel that the legislators should sit down with Waiguru so that they tell her what they think and she tells them the circumstances around the transfer, instead of impeaching her - which is not the way to go," he said. He said the Jubilee mission is to deliver on its pledges to Kenyans and it should not be derailed by infighting as the government must remain focused.
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