Tuesday, September 10, 2013

REVEALED: Dr Kidero’s Differences With Shebesh And Jubilee Top Dawgs stems from China Tour.

As new revelations emerge over Dr Kidero’s last friday incident where the laid back and conservative Nairobi Governor allegedly slapped TNA Women representative Rachel Shebesh, disturbing tidbits of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s China tour points to a well-orchestrated Jubilee Alliance onslaught on a man many thought was sympathetic to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government.
During the China tour, Governor Kidero secured investments funding for a number of projects for Nairobi County which the Jubilee Alliance entourage accompanying president Kenyatta were totally opposed to. At the root of this opposition is an earlier agreement that all funds from China had to be attributed to the president.
“We felt that the Nairobi Governor broke this rule. This was Uhuru’s tour, not Kidero’s and when he visited Daimler and got the automaker to pledge opening a plant in Nairobi  and also secured the Ksh 80 billion, it changed the storyline,” an aide to a flamboyant senator who also accompanied the president told this writer.
While President Uhuru is said to have been comfortable with the governor’s inroads into China during the tour, the power cartel around him became increasingly uneasy. One of the people who grumbled continuously was none other than the Nairobi women’s representative Rachel Shebesh.
“Shebesh didn’t want the governor from the moment it was revealed he would be part of the China tour. She complained openly to Sonko” said the source, referring to the Nairobi Senator Mike Mbuvi Sonko.
However, like the President, Sonko is said to have brushed the whole idea, claiming Kidero’s presence gives the president a ‘right media image back home’.  Feeling increasingly frustrated, Shebesh is said to have sworn Kidero must never have the limelight with his image intact, a threat she seemingly achieved last friday.
During the whole China tour, she snubbed the governor who took her actions in stride, not wanting to be distracted. But last friday was way too much for Gov Kidero.
“She came here with all these people shouting and yelling and the governor was informed Shebesh was here; so he comes to the door to welcome her but what does she do?” poses one of Kidero’s aides. While the video shows Kidero slapping Shebesh once, the aide claims the whole footage has been edited to fit into the Jubilee storyline.
“Remember she came with them, she came with all these media people, she never informed the governor she would visit. . .just propped here with hecklers in tow and that still did not irk the governor,” the aide gives a different account of the chronology of events.
“Shebesh first assaulted the governor; this will come out in due course. it was so awkward we did not know how to respond, things happened so fast and next it was everywhere on social media,” added the aide.
Asked why he thinks Shebesh did not engage the Governor in a better forum, say by seeking an appointment, the aide repeated the China tour events but added a new twist: the ongoing audit at City Hall.
Kidero had ordered an internal audit at the City Council of Nairobi where thousands of ghost workers are reeking in millions of shillings in a cartel that Shebesh’s name was repeatedly mentioned.
“The audit by the governor into city hall is unravelling things only heard in the narcotics world. We found out instances where one person appears in the roster over seven or eight times and withdraws huge salaries. Some of them live in Limuru and Kiambu and even as far as Nakuru, yet their names show they work for the City Council of Nairobi”.
Governor Kidero had suspended six officers recently over corruption charges as well suspending or cancelling a lot of tenders. According to multiple sources privy to City Hall politics, there is a lot of filth the Governor is cleaning which touches on the very people now up in arms calling for his resignation.
“It is a very dirty brand of politics, sadly it is at the very core of the Jubilee Alliance. Most of their elected leaders here in Nairobi County are crude crooks who belong to jails,” says an officer in the procurement department.
Another school of thought interprates the ongoing events as a deliberate offensive on the path to 2017. It is widely believed that Gov Kidero is seen as a possible replacement of Raila Odinga and hence the earlier he is done away with the better.
This school, however, does not just blame the Jubilee Alliance for the woes of the Governor, they cite the feeble response by the ODM and CORD coalition whose press statement neither categorically defended the Governor nor vilified Shebesh.
“The medium is the message. When the coalition sent David Musila to issue that shallow statement, I knew they too  are enjoying the governor’s predicament. Sadly, this new battlefront may sink the party deeper,” added a popular social media blogger associated with CORD coalition.
The governor’s supporters now want the party to take a stern position on the behaviour of Jubilee politicians who muddle the waters and go scot free.
“Why are ODM women Mps silent even when their Jubilee counterparts are making Shebesh look like an angel? They need to stand with the governor. This is not a gender affair, this is a political affair, a dirty political game going on,” added the blogger.

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