Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Petition against Kidero dismissed

Nairobi County Governor Dr Evans Kidero. The High Court upheld his election on September 10, 2013. PHOTO/SALATON NJAU
Nairobi County Governor Dr Evans Kidero. The High Court upheld his election on September 10, 2013. PHOTO/SALATON NJAU  
The High Court has dismissed an election petition filed against Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero.
The petition was filed by former Embakasi MP Ferdinand Waititu who sought nullification of Dr Kidero’s win claiming “the election results became tainted when it was revealed that out of 17 constituencies, 13 could not be verified.”
Kidero, through his lawyer Tom Ojienda had said he was validly elected and urged the court to disregard the tallying discrepancies as “acceptable arithmetic errors, too trifle to qualify in nullifying the overall election results.”

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