Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Nairobi County Representatives debate Kidero 'slap'

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY LYDIA MATATA
Nairobi County Assembly Members today debated on whether to impeach Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero from office over an incident last Friday in which the Governor allegedly slapped Nairobi Women’s Representative Rachel Shebesh.
County Assembly members from the Cord coalition staged a walkout as the speaker approved the motion to debate the incident.
While debating the motion County Representatives from the Jubilee Coalition termed the incident as a disgrace  women stating that Kidero should apologize to all women in the country.
The County Representatives also claimed that the Nairobi County offices have become dangerous because of “goons and criminals” who parade outside the Governor’s office.
The County Representatives also alleged that aside from the incident between Kidero and Shebesh, seven other Members of the County Assembly have also been assaulted by  the Nairobi Governors’ security.
The Representatives also decried the manner in which Nairobi County Workers who are currently on strike have been handled by the governor. They said the strike over the implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement signed last year is justified and that dispersing the workers using teargas gives the impression that they do not deserve an audience.
The MCA’s resolved to have the debate adjourned to give members an opportunity to seek the views from the public over the matter before a decision is made. The County Representatives have seven days to make their decision on the Governor should be impeached.
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