Friday, September 13, 2013

Corridors of Power

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
An Asian business tycoon caused a public stir two weeks ago when he decided to hire a chopper to drop him at his home in Spring Valley after arriving from a business trip in China and Dubai. It seems the civil servants at the airport read mischief into this and opined that the businessman was carrying contraband and that is why he opted to take a chopper instead of being driven through the afternoon traffic. They were slightly mollified when the man explained that hiring a chopper was just one of the perks of having enough money to be able to enjoy the good life!
Striking Nairobi city council workers are angry with their colleagues that their colleagues from the Inspectorate Department for refusing to join the strike. Instead, the inspectorate staff have been having a free run extorting cash from the hawkers who have started creeping back into the city centre. It seems the strikers are unhappy that even as they push for their pay, the inspectorate staff are continuing to 'earn' even though they too will benefit if and when the CBA deal is implemented.
A female MP has threatened to beat up four nominated senators for “messing” around with her man. Our moles tell us the woman was not amused when she found the four senators chatting with her man every time there was a health break at the ongoing MPs retreat in Mombasa. Things became worse when the MP found the four senators and her man at a popular night club in the South Coast. The MP told them in no uncertain terms what she intended to do if the four nominated senators did not lay off her man.
A Cabinet secretary was forced to evade a crowd that reportedly went to JKIA to see off deputy president William Ruto but who seemed more interested in demanding for handouts. The Cabinet secretary had arrived at the airport few minutes before the DP to an uproarious reception from the youth. However, after Ruto boarded his flight, the youth turned on the Cabinet secretary demanding that he facilitate their travel back home. Finding himself in an unfamiliar territory, the cabinet secretary, asked the youth to give him few minutes to organize himself. Instead, he returned to the VIP Lounge from where he summoned his driver to pick him up through a side door leaving the youth oblivious to the fact that he had evaded them.
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