Friday, September 6, 2013

Cord to take drive for referendum to Mt Kenya

Friday, September 6, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY WAMBUGU KANYI
CORD will take it's campaign for a referendum to Central region soon, ODM executive director Magerer Langat has said. Langat said that the coalition is not deterred by Jubilee's strong support in Central.
“We want more funds to trickle down to the local mwananchi in all parts of the country. We will visit every county especially those which did not support of the coalition in the last general election,” he said.
Langat was speaking during the burial of 57-year-old Othaya politician Benjamin Maina Kahihia at Gachami village, Othaya in Nyeri county on Wednesday.
Kahihia, a life ODM member, will be most remembered for opposing President Mwai Kibaki in the race for the Othaya parliamentary seat and vied for the seat despite being in opposition.who was accompanied by Nairobi County Assembly nominated Member Tabitha Wothaya and Nyeri ODM party politician Kabue Ng’ang’a alias Baba Ngash
Langat said the coalition will not allow the Senate to be scrapped and will instead seek to have it given more powers. “ODM has members from all the counties. We are united and democratic. We are ready to compete with other parties,” he said.
In a condolence message read on behalf, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, termed Kahihia as a champion of change and nationalist.
“His bravery, courage and ideology saw him contest on an ODM party ticket. against the long standing MP for Othaya retired President Mwai Kibaki in year 2007.
That could only prove that Kahihia valued national unity against the fact that Kibaki was equally running for presidency seat of the republic of Kenya,” Odinga said.
The burial ceremony was also attended by local leaders and thousand of mourners.
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