Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Man kills 5 sons, commits suicide

By Karanja Njoroge
A man went berserk and stabbed his five sons to death before committing suicide in an incident that left villagers in Chesirikwa area in Kuresoi in shock.
The 45 year old attacked his wife and injured her on the shoulder but she managed to escape through the window in the Monday night incident.
He turned his rage on the children aged between two and 10 years and killed them before committing suicide by hanging himself inside the house. Two of the children were twins aged nine.
The man is said to have had quarrelled with his father over land and had on several occasions threatened to kill his children.
Police led by area District Commissioner Cyrus Gatobu visited the scene at around noon on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Who ever is reading this, please please country men, consult church elders, your friends and relatives, neighbours and friends when you have a pressing issue, don't keep quite and react like this man..... More so, we need prayers for our families and this nation
