
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kalonzo ready to back any G7 ally

Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka now says he is ready to back any of the G7 group members picked to vie for presidency in 2012. Kalonzo said the G7 Alliance was committed to ensuring that the country gets good leadership after the next polls. “I am ready to back whoever among us will be given the opportunity by the people to run for the presidency because we need to face the election as a team,” said the VP.
Addressing public meetings at Cheptiret and Burnt Forest yesterday, Kalonzo said the country needed a focused leader who will unite all Kenyans regardless of their tribe. The VP however insisted that his presidential bid was on course and that he had the necessary qualities and experience to lead the country after President Kibaki’s retirement next year. He said he was ready to offer the best leadership for the country.
He accused the Orange Democratic Movement of political mischief against Eldoret North MP William Ruto and some of its leaders now facing the ICC process in connection with the post-election violence. “The ODM Pentagon should be held responsible for the poll chaos and not Ruto. We will stand with Ruto and our other colleagues as they go through the difficult time,” said Kalonzo.
At the same time the VP said leaders must be careful with their utterances especially as the country goes through the healing process after the post-election violence. "Those using abusive language should not be tolerated, " he said.
The VP has been making an extensive tour of the Rift Valley to popularise his presidential bid. He met with several local leaders in Eldoret including minister for Higher Education Prof Margaret Kamar, MPr Dr Victor Munyaka and civic leaders led by Kiplagat Tallam.
At the same time Kalonzo and Munyaka said those involved in the misuse of funds meant for the Kazi Kwa Vijana project should be prosecuted. The money was allocated to the youth projects under Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s office.
Kalonzo praised both President Kibaki and retired President Moi for the contribution they have made to the development of the country. Kalonzo toured Baringo and Uasin Gishu counties where he addressed series of meetings during his latest tour of the region in readiness for 2012.

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