
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Raila should step aside over missing billions – Ruto

ELDORET North MP William Ruto now wants Prime Minister Raila Odinga to step aside and pave way for an investigation into the missing billions for youth project Kazi Kwa Vijana. Ruto said Raila should take political responsibility over millions of shillings found missing by a World Bank audit.
Media reports yesterday revealed millions of shillings for the Kazi Kwa Vijana project intended to employ thousands of youth ended up in the pockets of a few individuals at the PM's office. The World Bank has cancelled the Sh4.3 billion government support programme as a result of the scam. About 190,000 youth are supposed to have benefited from the initiative which was expected to be significantly expanded due to financing from international aid agencies.
Tony Gachoka, former Director of Protocol at the office of the Prime Minister, yesterday said corruption in the office of the PM was "not new after the unexplained Maize Scandal." "It's about time Raila is exposed for what he really is and this time round he must resign and take political responsibility for actions in his office - occasioning the loss of colossal sums of money from public coffers," Gachoka said in a statement.
Ruto who has been critical of the project and said it's "cash intended to benefit a few individuals". "From the beginning, I have been against the project. It is now time for the PM to face the heat," said the Ruto whom the Raila once tried to sack along with Education Minister Sam Ongeri following corruption claims at their ministries. President Kibaki however overturned the move.
Ruto said the government should instead have engaged in long-term solutions that would free the youth from poverty. He said it was unfortunate that "at this digital era, we are still relying on daily solutions. "Kazi Kwa Vijana only offers food on the table for a day," said the MP. "We need permanent solutions and this is what we are fighting for."
The former Agriculture and Higher Eduction minister said his team, "when we take office next year", will put in measures that empower the young people. He said funds such as the Constitution Development Fund (CDF) "will be put in place in every constituency". "We will give young people interest-free loans to engage in income generating activities instead of relying on the Kazi Kwa Vijana project". Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa said "the project has now turned out to be another Anglo Leasing". Eugene was addressing a political rally in Funyula

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