Sunday, October 9, 2011

Another prominent Kenyan succumbs to cancer

Written By:KBC reporter, Posted: Sun, Oct 09, 2011 Justice Keiwua served as a judge before he was appointed to the Court of Appeal Court of Appeal Judge Justice Moijo ole Keiwua is dead. Justice Keiwua succumbed to cancer Saturday night at Nairobi hospital where he was admitted. A statement to the press stated that Chief Justice Willy Mutunga was informed of the death and communicated the same to the judiciary. "May his family find solace and comfort from God whose work transcends all human understanding," read the statement. Justice Keiwua served as a judge before he was appointed to the Court of Appeal. He also served as the president of the East African Court of Justice. Justice Keiuwa joins the long list of Kenyans killed by cancer, which has silently become an epidemic. Thousands of others are suffering from various types of cancers, with very slim chances of survival. On Saturday, Kenyans bid farewell to Nobel laureate Prof Wangari Maarhai who succumbed to ovarian cancer. Doctors are warning that cancer has reached epidemic proportions with developing countries such as Kenya bearing the brunt of the disease due to lack of knowledge, capacity for screening, early detection, diagnosis and treatment. It is estimated that there are more than 18,000 new cases of cancer every year, with experts saying that more cases go un-diagnosed because of victims' ignorance and lack of access to medical facilities.

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