Saturday, September 10, 2011

Transcript of Keter’s interview that caused ripples at The Hague

From left: Kuresoi MP Zakayo Cheruiyot, Tinderet MP Henry Kosgey, radio presenter Joshua Sang and Belgut MP Charles Keter outside the ICC at the Hague on September 2, 2011. Photo/WILLIAM OERI/NATION
From left: Kuresoi MP Zakayo Cheruiyot, Tinderet MP Henry Kosgey, radio presenter Joshua Sang and Belgut MP Charles Keter outside the ICC at the Hague on September 2, 2011. Photo/WILLIAM OERI/NATION 
Posted  Friday, September 9  2011 at  22:30
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The Saturday Nation has obtained transcripts of an interview by Belgut MP Charles Keter which on Thursday caused ripples at the International Criminal Court at The Hague during closing submissions for three of the Ocampo Six.
In the 12-14 minute interview obtained from Kass FM studios and another from Globaltrack, an independent media monitoring company based in Nairobi, Mr Keter describes the witnesses as “liars” who were “living comfortably with their children.” (Read: MP faces hate call claims at the Hague)
Ms Sureta Chana, representing 327 victims of the post-election violence, said Mr Keter’s Tuesday’s call to the vernacular radio station was inciting and a demonstration that victims were being intimidated and living in fear of renewed attacks.
Mr Keter has since ferociously denied the claims, vowing he would not be intimidated at home or at The Hague.
He has also declared he is prepared to be arrested.
Below are excerpts of the interview with Kass FM presenter Parvin Sigei:
Host: How is the weather in the Netherlands?
Mr Keter: It is cold and raining.
Host: Is it raining? Is it cold?
Mr Keter: Fine, it is raining not cold.
Host: How was yesterday? And what are today’s plans?
Mr Keter: We are going back to Sang’s session at 4pm Kenya time. I think by Thursday, Friday, God willing, we shall have cleared and be home-bound.
Mr Keter: I know everybody heard the lies for themselves. What Ocampo used were liars who gave inconsistent days. We are aware others have been told to write more lies. When William was said to be at his home planning meetings, he was attending a huge campaign rally Kapkatet.
When Sang was said to be meeting Ruto, he was at the studio working. We are happy the prosecution has not proved any of the said meetings. We want to thank the Kalenjin people wherever they may be for praying for us.
I trust that you saw the lies. Our people say Matonone lembeita kosi’r (lies can never endure) yet these people who have told these lies are ours.
Our people even wrote that we slaughtered dogs and drank blood at (Roads minister Franklin) Arap Bett’s milk plant in Molo. Have Kalenjin people changed? I have never heard such a thing. We did well (at The Hague). At no time did they find Ruto was at home during the said meeting days with our people like Cherambos and Koech.

: Has the last witness sent his submission? He recorded a statement last January and another in August which was sent in and court officials are saying there is no problem. Everything is all right. Ruto’s lawyers are alright.There are some liars at home. We want everybody wherever they are to know that they are living well with their children yet they put others in problems.
Host: Have you met Ocampo?
Mr Keter: Ocampo has not been here since we came on the first day. We don’t know where he is.
Host: Why have you not met and had tea? It is good to meet your adversary sometimes.
Mr Keter: Well, the court does not allow that.
Host: What can you tell the Kalenjin people wherever they may be?
Mr Keter: What I want to tell our people is we have to be one … Even them they have seen they were lies.
Host: Tell us a bit about this witness number 6. He says the head of the network is the PM. Will the court summon him at some point?
Mr Keter: What we are asking ourselves is why not. Witness number 6 mentions Raila as the head while number 8 mentions Ruto and it is believed. Let us know our people told lies about us.
Things that were said were lies. The big man was the PM, second was Ruto and witness number 6 is lying. All are lies.
Host: Does this man live with Ruto or what is your take on witness number 6 because he has said Ruto’s house has a balcony. Does he live with Ruto?
Mr Keter: That is not all. He said the house has a balcony; it is a storey building with a balcony and electric fence. But Ruto’s neighbours know his house. He even said 20,000 people attended the meeting on 4th December.
He says Hon Kapondi attended the planning meetings on 6th, 13th, 14th yet he was in jail.
Hon Keter: We had said this before. Ruto had said the witnesses were bought and coached.

Hon Keter
: What we are asking ourselves is why he was not included. You left witness number six and accepted number 8. The prime minister gave out money. You hard kosgey’s lawyers say witness numbers six and eight were liars. If they could say one billion was collected by December surely. We are asking how was it was used?P.S: When Raila was mentioned. can he be called?
They even said during the meeting on 14th December some people jetted in from Sudan and Congo to help train militia. How did Kass FM raise funds? Everybody mentioned are Kalenjins.. runners, politicians, businessmen, media, runners.
Host 1: oops I am getting a warning
Host 2: thanks
Hon Keter: Thanks. Thanks so much.

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