Monday, September 5, 2011

Magwanga hits out at Riaga Ogalo’s endorsement of Tuju bid for Presidency

BY SAMUEL OWIDA in Homa Bay County September 5, 2011
Oyugi Magwanga MP Kasipul Kabondo
Kasipul Kaqbondo MP Oyugi Magwanga criticized the remarks by former chairman of Luo Council of Elders, Riaga Ogalo, on Raphael Tuju’s candidature as selfish.
Speaking over the weekend in Kokal sub location during the burial of former chairman, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Rachuonyo Branch, Willis Akumu Yoya, Magwanga, dismissed Ogalo’s welcome of Tuju’s presidential ambition as a diversionary sentiment meant to create disunity in Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s home turf.
The ODM legislator who dismissed Tuju’s presidential bid as a pipe dream asked former Luo chief to respect his age and keep off cheap politics that could tarnish his name adding he (Ogallo) should not use his elderly position and respect he commands to mislead the community for selfish gains.
“Even if it is poverty or famine, to what extent should an elderly person stoop low for selfish gain yet the long struggle the community has been leading for decades to bring second liberation is over when the new constitution whose implementation is just about to complete is in place?” posed Magwanga.
He noted that politics of stomach is over in Luo land as the unprecedented infrastructural development that was missing during the former regimes are now taking root and appealed to the community to invest in informal sectors which he noted provide huge employment opportunities and economic growth.
Ogalo was quoted in a section of media welcoming Tuju’s candidature describing it as a safety net and an alternative, but insisted he still support Raila Odinga dream for State House.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry officials led by Akira Ngadi, Nehemiah Ngara and Odhiambo Kitoto said the restructuring and revitalization of the organization will lead to the betterment of the business community especially members of the outfit.
Ngara appealed to the MP to work in unison with stakeholders to develop Oyugis town which he noted was on its knees due to massive rip off of public funds under the watch of civic leaders whom he accused of ineptitude.
“Mheshimiwa naomba uangalie mandeleo ya Oyugis town…. Sioni kama watatoboa kulingana na ufisadi ambayo umekumba matumizi ya pesa za huma {Honorable sir, I request that you give attention to the development of Oyugis Town Council…. I don’t see the leaders there succeeding following corruption on financial expenditure}, said Ngara.

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