
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Uhuru Posted This Picture on Facebook, and Now Everyone’s Talking… (Team Mafisi)

By Ken   /   Thursday, 27 Aug 2015 07:00AM   /     /   Tags: museveni, Salva Kiir, Uhuru

President Uhuru was in Juba yesterday alongside President Museveni and Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Desalegn to witness South Sudan leader Salva Kiir append his signature to a peace agreement to end the conflict that has been raging in South Sudan for the last two years.
It happened that a very beautiful lady was tasked with presenting the documents to Salva Kiir, and guiding him as he put his signature. Naturally, there had to be some slight bending over involved.
The president’s social media guy posted this suggestive photo on Facebook, and the comments that followed were quite expected.
The guy on the far right of the picture is First Vice President of Sudan, Bakri Saleh Hassan, and it looks like he’s the only one with no explaining to do to his wife.
Uhuru makes no effort to hide it, but he can argue the lady was standing directly in front of him. Museveni also makes it pretty obvious.
Check out these sampled comments.
David Omondo  – All eyes on that lady..eeish angalieni signature ya kiir kama ni fake!
Nick Njogu – Uhuru checking out the supporting documents
Christian Munywoki – Even I would have stolen a glance why lie. Watu wasikuletee panganga.
Fred Maren Torome – Your eyes and those of the prime minister don’t seem to be on the treaty Mr president!
Garabola Katoto – Who’s this woman, even the woman on the back is looking at her.. lol.. Oh nature, nature, nature.. Playing tricks lol
William Obul – They are, looking at her like she is a president, these old guys want to hire her
Melvin Malcolm Bwembya – this lady will make millions of dollars in south sudan, all eyes on her
Stephen Ododah – All eyes on one thing except the peace deal… I don’t blame the Gents…
Jackson Njeru – Team Mafisi sacco
Tony Ricky Spanish – The thirst strikes again
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