
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Ruto sneaked from duty and went to the staff quarters where he picked a quarrel with his wife.

Mombasa prison warder shoots wife in domestic row

Mombasa?s Shimo La Tewa prisons. Photo/FILE
Mombasa?s Shimo La Tewa prisons. Photo/FILE
August 28, 2015
A prison warder was arrested yesterday after he allegedly shot his wife at Shimo la Tewa main prison.
It was the latest in a series of cases of indiscipline among officers at the prison.
Coast provincial prison commandant James Kodieny said the two had a confrontation and then Senior Constable Geofrey Ruto drew his rifle and shot her in the stomach at 3am.
Speaking in his office, Kodieny said Ruto sneaked from duty and went to the staff quarters where he picked a quarrel with his wife.
Kodeiny said the woman is recovering at Coast Provincial General Hospital.
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