
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Moses Kuria comes to Joy Gwendo's aid

Press Release
Mombasa, 28th August 2015
I wish to express my disappointment with the verdict of TNA's Disciplinary Committee in the case of Sen Joy Gwendo
I find the decision to debar, suspend and even recommend Sen Gwendo bizarre, extreme and diwnright callous
What TNA needs at this time is what the country needs:- Sobriety, engagement as opposed to estrangement and inclusiveness. We are less than two years before the next General Elections. We need to lower political gears and hit the pedal harder on development and fulfilling the promises we made to the people of Kenya. Whatever the committee wants to achieve through this incomprehensible ruling is nothing compared with the damage in terms of polarizing our members especially alongside ethnic and gender lines. TNA as envisioned by those of us who founded the party is a party of tolerance, cohesion, inclusion and national unity
There was no complaint from Sen Kindiki Kithure our senate majority leader nor Sen Beatrice Elachi our senate majority whip regarding Sen Gwendo's voting record in the senate. How then can a decision with an effect of ending her fledgling political career be based on her voting record in the senate? Is the disciplinary committee crying more than the bereaved?
In any case the alleged voting where Sen Gwendo voted for Sen Khalwale as opposed to GG Kariuki happened 2 years ago. Which is this amnesia that gripped our party for this long. This is tantamount to witchhunt and political revisionism. It is the same thing we accuse the opposition of: Driving the car with the rear mirror only.
I call upon the National Oversight Board to reject this decision by the committee. We need every TNA member and more so Sen Joy Adhiambo Gwendo
Hon Moses Kuria
MP Gatundu South

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