
Friday, July 29, 2011

ODM scoops Baringo council seats

Written By:KBC Reporter,    Posted: Fri, Jul 29, 2011
The ODM party emerged victorious despite concerted efforts by its rebel members to have other candidates win the seats
The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Friday morning fought of a concerted effort by suspended Higher Education Minister William Ruto and swept off all the seats in the Baringo County Council.
Ms. Elizabeth Chesang', the Rift Valley women representative in the party's National Executive Committee (NEC) was elected the Chairperson of the Baringo County Council, shaking off a spirited campaign by the Ruto allies in the Council.
Ms. Chesang' beat Councillor Kangogo Rono who is allied to the Eldoret North Member of Parliament.
Another ODM Councillor, Mr. Peter Lokoromo from Baringo East Constituency was elected the Vice Chairperson in the election that was held at the Council offices in Kabarnet town.
Councillor Chesang's victory is a major boost to the ODM Party, coming at a time when the party is facing rebellion from a section of Members of Parliament from Rift Valley led by Mr. Ruto.
In her victory speech, Ms. Chesang', the Kelyo Ward Councillor in Baringo North Constituency thanked her colleagues in the Council for electing her and promised to use the position to initiate development projects in the County Council.
She said, she owed her victory to the unwavering support by the Party and promised to continue spreading the ODM gospel in Baringo County for the benefit of the party leader, Mr. Raila Odinga who is the country's Prime Minister.

1 comment:

  1. she has no impact on the current wave of politics in the region. Baringo as a whole is behind Rutto let no one cheat.
