
Friday, July 29, 2011

Corridors of Power


Rachel Shebesh
Moles in international security circles reportedly have information that the alleged mastermind of the Rwanda genocide Felicien Kabuga is still hiding out in Kenya . They have hinted that Kabuga continues to enjoy the protection of the family of a senior politician and other former government officers. They say the machetes that the man allegedly used to arm the Hutu people were sourced from a company owned by the senior politician. Kabuga is also reported to have been living in a hotel in the Rift Valley in early January.


An ODM assistant minister is reportedly broke and unable to pay millions of shillings he owes businessmen who bankrolled his venture in the sugar distribution industry. The man is so desperate that he has instructed his personal assistant and secretary to tell anyone who comes calling or looking for him that he is out of the country on official business. The minister has his personal assistant screening all calls to avoid the businessmen demanding their money back.


Some MPs are unhappy that Government Printer Andrew Rukaria appeared before the Constitution Implementation Oversight Committee (COIC) and emerged unscathed. ODM nominated MP Rachel Shebesh wonders why the COIC team did not resolve to have Rukaria fired. The COIC recommended that a law be enacted to regulate the management of the operations of the Government Printer. Shebesh and her group say Rukaria got off lightly considering that he has failed to explain who inserted the words “national security” in the draft constitution. Rukaria has also failed to publish the report by the Interim Independent Boundaries Review Commission and is reportedly to blame for the delay in the publication of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Act!

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