
Friday, July 29, 2011

Catholic church joins relief bandwagon

Written By:Halligan Agade,    Posted: Fri, Jul 29, 2011
Tha Catholic church is the latest to join in the relief efforts to address the famine and hunger facing Kenyans in the North
The Catholic Church has launched an emergency charity fund in aid of victims of drought that has hit the country especially in the Northern Kenya.
The church has activated its branches countrywide to start receiving food donations while the financial donations can be sent to a KCB Account or M-Pesa mobile phone service.
The Media Owners Association was first to launch an Emergency Fund Initiative Wednesday to help in food aid to the hunger stricken people.
So far, the drought the kitty has seen over 80,000 people donate cash amounting to over 30 million shillings now.
The Catholic Church seems to have picked the cue, opening a charity emergency fund in the country which will see food donations received at the church's establishments countrywide.
The cash donations will be channeled to the church's KCB Account Number 016200646352 or sent via M-Pesa to business number 560702.
Right Reverend Cornelius Korir however said that the government has to revise its food policy to deal with  what has become the perennial situation in the country.
The Government this week released 500,000 bags of maize and waived tax on cereals imports to mitigate the drought effects.
Over 3.5 million people are starving in the country according to the World Food Programme with over 350,000 severely malnourished as a result of the situation.

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