
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Waki hates wrongdoers

Justice Phillip Waki who chaired the Commission of Inquiry into Post-Election Violence says he has a passionate dislike for wrongdoers and vowed to fight for the rule of law to be upheld.

Justice Waki condemned the killing of innocent Kenyans after the 2007 general elections.

Speaking during the funeral of his brother in-law Peter Mwongela in Kitui, Justice Waki said the sanctity of life must be upheld by all means irrespective of the social status.

"The sanctity of life must be upheld by all means irrespective of the social status," said the High court judge

He spoke for the first time in public since he handed over the Commission of Inquiry into Post-Election Violence report that recommended that masterminds of the election violence be tried by International Criminal Court or a local tribunal.

Water and Irrigation minister Charity Ngilu who is the area MP was among those who attended the funeral.

Ngilu praised Waki for the good work pointing out that CIPEV report had caused jitters amongst politicians across the divide.

"The cabinet cannot reverse the Waki report because its recommendations were binding and again it was adopted by parliament," said Ngilu.

She however assured Kenyans that the cabinet will put matters regarding the elections violence to rest pointing out that the debate was over prosecution of the big fish.

The minister said the rejection of the Bethuel Kiplagat-led Truth, Justice and Reconciliation (TJRC) was a sign that Kenyans had lost faith with their leaders hence the need to confirm what had gone wrong.


  1. Stop abusing blogs by copy pasting newspapers. Give your input and point your readers to the original source. Blogs cannot and need not be substitute to dailies others you are cheaply excitablle with many topics on a single day, SHAME.
