
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kabando to Kiplagat - Step aside

Youth and Sports Assistant minister Kabando wa Kabando has urged the newly instituted TJRC Ambassador Bethuel Kiplagat to listen to the cries of the civil society and the international community for him to step aside as the chairman of the commission and give dignity to his character.

Kabando said that TJRC had not received the much needed public good will due to the chairman's association with past regimes in the country and urged the president to recall the nominees in the commission in order to save its credibility.

"Given the public outcry on the commission and the questions raised on the credibility of the nominee chairman, its important for Kiplagat to step aside in order for TJRC to get the good will it deserves from across the divide." Kabando observed.

He said that Ambassador Kiplagat was a good man who did not deserve a position that had raised so much controversy and urged him to honorably step aside from the commission's chair.

The Assistant minister suggested for the appointment of a non Kenyan to chair the TJRC proposing for a person from the East African Community.

He added that the appointment of an individual from outside the country would dispel ethnic suspicion that would be associated with the post.

The appointment of Kiplagat as a chair of the commission has drawn criticism from a section of Kenyan's and the international community especially the civil society who have opposed to his chairing of the commission arguing that he was incapable of bringing the guilty to book due to his association with past regimes in the country.

Kabando made the remarks at a prize giving ceremony at Githung'ng'u primary school in his Mukurwe-ini constituency where he was guest of honour..

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