
Sunday, August 9, 2009

KNCHR condemns killings

The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights-KNCHR- has condemned recent killings in parts of North Eastern Province.

Close to 70 people have been killed in the province since December 2007 with the latest being the killing of 3 people in Samburu Central last Friday.

Speaking to the press Sunday, the commission's Vice Chairperson, Hassan Omar said insecurity in the region aggravated by scarce pasture and water resources is being used by some politicians to settle political scores.

He claimed that cattle rustling had been commercialized in the area further fueling insecurity.

The Commission now wants the government to ensure law is maintained in the affected areas and a strong foundation of peace build among communities in the clash tone province.

The commission further outlined ways in which the government can ensure security prevails in the province.

Among others this includes the funding of local peace committees and provision of a legal framework within which it can operate.

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