
Sunday, August 9, 2009


Kalonzo Musyoka has called on Kenyans to support the anti-abortion campaign, noting that termination of the unborn is against the protection of human sanctity.

Mr Musyoka regretted that many pregnancies have continued to be terminated before delivery despite the existence of alternatives to abortion such as adoption and foster parenthood.

He expressed opinion that the draft Reproductive Health and Rights Bill may not be passed due to its implication on abortion issue.

“I know that the Cabinet or even parliament will not pass any Bill that would legalise abortion, the legislation would definitely be shot down,” he assured.

The Vice President made the remarks late on Friday during a dinner hosted by The Protecting Life Movement at the Sarova Panafric Hotel.

The movement - founded in 2000 - is an interdenominational Christian organisation that advocates for the protection of human life from conception to the time of natural death.

Mr Musyoka commended the movement for the initiative, noting that it was not only supporting a religious stand on the right to life, but also expressing African cultural values about human life.

He added that developed countries should be ready to borrow positive ideas from developing nations, adding that not all initiatives from the underdeveloped world were valueless.

Chairperson of The Protecting Life Movement, Dr Jean Kagia, opposed the draft Reproductive Health and Rights Bill, saying the bill would criminalise the medical profession and impact negatively on health service delivery.

She called for more research to establish accurate statistics on abortion to guard against the manipulation of figures to justify legalisation of abortion.

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